Top 5: Brain foods

Just like the rest of your body, your brain needs feeding, and there are certain types of food that it finds especially helpful. We are not promising A* grades just because you had a bag of peanuts, but fitting some of these foods into your regular (and hopefully healthy) diet might just give you the edge.



Oat porridge is one of the quickest and easiest hot meals you can make. Even instant oatmeal is high in fibre and protein, and is low in calories and fat. Oats release their energy slowly, keeping your brain fed for hours on end - if you put some lovely berries in like the ones in this picture you get extra healthy bonus points.




Eggs contain lots of something called choline. This works by helping the brain to make the neurotransmitter Acetylcholine. We don’t know what that means either, but it helps to improve brain function and memory, so a couple of eggs at breakfast could make all the difference!




Almonds are made from healthy fats and are a good source of protein. Like oats, just a handful of almonds can sustain you and your brain. Munch a few before exams to stave off distracting hunger.




Bananas are the ultimate portable snack. Not only are they super healthy they also contain vitamin B6, which has been found to improve memory function. Big fan of this monkeys haircut.



Dark Chocolate

A few squares of dark chocolate will help with the production of endorphins – these are chemical signals that help to boost your mood, and complete all those tasks you have been avoiding. In moderation though, as with all of the foods here, more chocolate doesn’t mean more brain power!
